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5 Things I Want to Help My Audience With

1. I want to help people in bi-vocational ministry write down their priorities and live by them.

2. I want to empower people to be decisive in keeping their priorities as functional motivators for their day-to-day, to communicate their priorities clearly at work and at church, and to stick by them.

3. I want to help bi-vocational people be truly bi-vocational and not full-time in ministry if they’re already full-time @ work.

4. I want to make a case for how to decide if bi-vo ministry is for you and how to go about it.

5. I want to inspire people to develop habits that make personal priorities more automatic and more likely to happen. Consequently, they can enjoy a meaningful family life that keeps work and ministry in their places.

Thank you for reading. What ways do you want encouragement in your bi-vocational ministry? Join the discussion in the comments below.

Arise, and get after it!
